Ivory Dental Services


Root Canal


Root Canal Therapy is a dental procedure, performed with local anesthetic, which involves the removal of the pulp (aka “nerve”) inside of the tooth because it has become irreversibly damaged or infected. This irreversible damage is a result of combined injuries that occur over the life of the tooth (decay, trauma, multiple restorations). Root canal therapy is the removal of the entire pulp throughout the root canal system (a tooth can have several roots and a canal or two within those roots), the cleaning and shaping of the canal system, and filling the canals with a root canal filling material and a dental sealer.This is usually due to the effects of oral bacteria on the soft tissue of the tooth which is called the dental pulp (nerve). Recall that the pulp is the living part of the tooth which makes the dentin, the body of the tooth. Cementum covers the outside of the root and enamel is the white hard shell of the crown of the tooth.

What Happens During Root Canal Therapy?

Step one:

After the tooth is “numbed”, a small opening is made into the pulp chamber. The canals are located and measured, so they can be cleansed and shaped.

Step Two:

The canals are filled with a root canal filling called gutta percha and the opening is sealed with sterile cotton pellets and a temporary filling.

Step Three:

The tooth should be restored within a couple of weeks. Your general dentist will usually place a crown over the treated tooth in order to protect it, and if the tooth lacks sufficient tooth structure to hold the core build-up, a post may be placed inside. Any areas of infection around the roots will begin to heal. We will check on the progress of that healing at 6 month when we ask you to return for a free “recall” visit.

The number of visits necessary to complete a root canal will vary depending upon the degree of infection, the number of canals in the tooth, if the canals are calcified, the anatomy of your tooth, and the complexity of the procedure. We always strive to achieve the best possible result; therefore, your treatment may take one visit, or it may take more.

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We consider our patients to be part of our dental family and with this in mind, we strive to meet each individual’s needs.